The Philip Nayda Prize in Architecture – Supporting Student Excellence
In memory of Mr Philip Nayda, Director of Hodgkison and to encourage the study of architecture, Hodgkison provides two annual prizes to the School of Architecture and Built Environment at The University of Adelaide.
On the 3rd of May 2016, Mr Peter Goern, Director was proud to present the 2015 prizes to the following outstanding students:
The Philip Nayda Architecture Prize (UG) was awarded to Louisa Rebellato, the full time Bachelor of Architectural Design student who achieved the highest quality design and exhibited the best constructability principles in the course DESST 3513 ‘Design Studio 5.
The Philip Nayda Architecture Prize (PG) was awarded to Xiaochu Chen, the full time Master of Architecture student who achieved the highest quality design and exhibited the best constructability principles in the course ARCH 7043 Final Architecture Project (M).
We congratulate these deserving students and wish them all the best for the future.

2015 UG Prize Winner Louisa Rebellato. Presented by Peter Goern (Director)

2015 PG Prize Winner Xiaochu Chen. Presented by Peter Goern (Director)